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50% off clinical consultations

Receive 50% off the cost of a clinical consultation booked in May 2024*

*Terms and conditions: Initial free, no obligation conversation may be provided by either a central treatment care coordinator, treatment coordinator or member of the orthodontic practice team via virtual video or phone call, prior to receiving 50% off the specialist orthodontist consultation fee at St Michael’s Orthodontics. The normal price of a specialist orthodontist consultation is £149. The offer is open to both under and over 18s. Voucher to be shown upon attendance of the consultation to redeem 50% off offer and cannot be used on existing treatment payments. Patients must be dentally fit to proceed with treatment. Whether a patient is deemed dentally fit for treatment will be at the clinician’s absolute discretion. Additional treatment required to make a patient dentally fit and suitable for treatment will be charged at an additional cost. St Michael’s Orthodontics reserves the right to change or withdraw this offer at any time. Please note the practice accepts no liability on behalf of the treating clinician and acts strictly as a liaison between the patient and the treating clinician only. This offer is non-exchangeable, non-transferrable and is not redeemable for cash or other treatments. Valid for private treatments only. Valid until 31 July 2024.

Invisalign Special Offer 2024

Make 2024 your year to smile

Don’t miss this amazing offer to achieve a stunning new smile saving over £1000.

We are offering a limited number of patients an opportunity to start their Invisalign journey

Offer includes :-

  • Free consultation with our specialist Orthodontist Dr Catherine McCanny (worth £149)
  • £500 off treatment
  • Free whitening (worth £435)

Our treatment packages include :-

  • Additional aligners as needed to perfect your smile
  • Upper and lower fixed retainers (worth £430)
  • 3 sets of Vivera retainers (worth £595)
  • Dental monitoring (weekly scan reports of your progress (worth approximately £225)
  • 18 month after care package

Why choose us?

  • We are a multi-award winning practice
  • Our specialist Orthodontist, Dr Catherine McCanny has over 15 years of experience in using Invisalign and has treated over 1,000 complex cases
  • Our orthodontist is one of the most experienced Invisalign Teen provider in the UK
  • Catherine is a clinical speaker for Align Technology and a mentor for less experienced clinicians
  • Catherine is an Align Adboard and Faculty member and attends global meeting to speak and network with specialist orthodontists from EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Asia)

To qualify for this offer, visit us and sign up to treatment by 31st March

We offer 0% finance packages and other payment plans subject to status. T&Cs apply.

Wakefield Orthodontist smiles as global stage beckons

AN award-winning Wakefield Orthodontist, who runs a female only practice has been selected as a global ambassador for an international company.


Dr Catherine McCanny, specialist orthodontist at St Michael’s Orthodontics, Dewsbury Road, has been chosen as a clinical speaker and key opinion leader for Invisalign, thanks to her experience and expertise using the invisible brace system for complex cases.  As the UK’s only second female Invisalign speaker, she wants to encourage more orthodontists to pick up the baton to help patients achieve straight teeth pain-free.

One of the most experienced Invisalign practitioners in the UK Catherine has helped 1000s of patients achieve a better smile without the need for surgery.  It was this track record that won her Platinum Elite Status and prompted the company to invite her to share her knowledge with other orthodontists.

“Invisalign aligns patients’ teeth in an almost invisible way; it is a much more comfortable and efficient alternative to fixed braces.  In even the most complex cases it has eradicated the need for surgery.   Thanks to my experience with the treatment, I now use Invisalign for the most complex of cases,” said Dr McCanny.

“Due to my experience I’ve gone from using the Invisalign on 10 cases a year to now over 80 cases a year.  Eventually, I hope to use Invisalign for 75 per cent of all my adult cases and share this conversion with other dentists and orthodontists through my new clinical speaker role.”

Catherine received her clinical speaker training in Amsterdam earlier this month and will start her new role in Birmingham on 3rd May.

This recent accolade follows her success at the 2018 Aesthetic Dentistry Awards where she snapped up two awards relating to the use of Invisalign plus the treatment of teenagers. 

Catherine added: “I am extremely privileged and honoured to be chosen by Invisalign as a Clinical Speaker.  This international treatment is globally recognised and I hope this showcases St Michael’s Orthodontics as a worldwide centre of excellence.

“I am excited to share my passion of the Invisalign system with my colleagues. We are all trained in using fixed appliances and it is easy to stay in our comfort zone.   However, I hope that by demonstrating how I have treated my patients with Invisalign that other colleagues will start to see the benefits of this system.”




Editor’s notes:


  • St Michael’s Orthodontics – a team of skilled orthodontists led by Catherine McCanny – is based on Dewsbury Road, Wakefield.
  • Dr Catherine McCanny has achieved Invisalign Platinum Elite Standard for both the quality of her work and the number of treatments she has performed
  • Having graduated from Dental School at Queen’s University, Belfast in 1988, Catherine commenced her specialist training in Orthodontics at Leeds Dental Institute in 1993. She then teamed up with her now-husband, Joe, to build and develop St Michael’s Dental Practice and St Michael’s Orthodontics Ltd, which opened in 1998.
  • More recently, Catherine – a member of the British Orthodontic Society – was delighted to win two awards in the 2018 Aesthetic Dentistry Awards.
  • In 2015 St Michaels Orthodontics won three awards at the Aesthetic Dentistry Awards including ‘Best Team’.


  • For more information about St Michael’s Orthodontics, please go to


Press release issued by: Carmel Harrison PR, The Plex, Margaret street, Wakefield. For further information, please contact Carmel Harrison on: 01924 632263. Alternatively, email




Data protection privacy notice for patients


Data protection privacy notice for patients

In providing your dental care and treatment, we will ask for information about you and your health. Occasionally, we may receive information from other providers who have been involved in providing your care. This privacy notice describes the type of personal information we hold, why we hold it and what we do with it.

Information that we collect

We may collect the following information about you:

  • Personal details such as your name, date of birth, national insurance number, NHS number, address, telephone number and email address
  • Information about your dental and general health, including
  • Clinical records made by dentists and other dental professionals involved with your care and treatment
  • X-rays, clinical photographs, digital scans of your mouth and teeth, and study models
  • Medical and dental histories
  • Treatment plans and consent
  • Notes of conversations with you about your care
  • Dates of your appointments
  • Details of any complaints you have made and how these complaints were dealt with
  • Correspondence with other health professionals or institutions
  • Details of the fees we have charged, the amounts you have paid and some payment details

Catherine McCanny is responsible for keeping secure the information about you that we hold.

Our data protection officer, Carol Walter, ensures that the practice complies with data protection requirements to ensure that we collect, use, store and dispose of your information responsibly.

Those at the practice who have access to your information include dentists and other dental professionals involved with your care and treatment, and the reception staff responsible for the management and administration of the practice.

How we use your information

To provide you with the dental care and treatment that you need, we require up-to-date and accurate information about you.

We will share your information with the NHS Business Services Authority in connection with your dental treatment.

We will seek your preference for how we contact you about your dental care. Our usual methods are telephone, email or letter.

If we wish to use your information for Social media, dental research or dental education, we will discuss this with you and seek your consent. Depending on the purpose and if possible, we will anonymise your information. If this is not possible we will inform you and discuss your options.

We may use your contact details to inform you of products and services available at our Practice.

Sharing information

Your information is normally used only by those working at the practice but there may be instances where we need to share it – for example, with:

  • Your doctor
  • The hospital or community dental services or other health professionals caring for you
  • NHS payment authorities
  • The Department for Work and Pensions and its agencies, where you are claiming exemption or remission from NHS charges
  • Private dental schemes of which you are a member.

We will only disclose your information on a need-to-know basis and will limit any information that we share to the minimum necessary.

In certain circumstances or if required by law, we may need to disclose your information to a third party not connected with your health care, including HMRC or other law enforcement or government agencies.

Keeping your information safe

We store your personal information securely on our practice computer system and in a manual filing system. Your information cannot be accessed by those who do not work at the practice; only those working at the practice have access to your information. They understand their legal responsibility to maintain confidentiality and follow practice procedures to ensure this.

We take precautions to ensure security of the practice premises, the practice filing systems and computers.

We use high-quality specialist dental software to record and use your personal information safely and effectively. Our computer system has a secure audit trail and we back-up information routinely.

 We use cloud computing facilities for storing some of your information. The practice has a rigorous agreement with our provider to ensure that we meet the obligations described in this policy and that we keep your information securely.

We keep your records for 10 years after the date of your last visit to the Practice or until you reach the age of 25 years, whichever is the longer.

Access to your information and other rights

You have a right to access the information that we hold about you and to receive a copy. You should submit your request to the practice in writing or by email. There may be a charge for copies of your information; if we pass on a charge, we will explain the reasons.

You can also request us to:

  • Correct any information that you believe is inaccurate or incomplete. If we have disclosed that information to a third party, we will let them know about the change
  • Erase information we hold although you should be aware that, for legal reasons, we may be unable to erase certain information (for example, information about your dental treatment
  • Stop using your information – for example, sending you reminders for appointments or information about our service
  • Supply your information electronically to another dentist.

If you do not agree

If you do not wish us to use your personal information as described, you should discuss the matter with your dentist. If you object to the way that we collect and use your information, we may not be able to continue to provide your dental care.

If you have any concerns about how we use your information and you do not feel able to discuss it with your dentist or anyone at the practice, you should contact The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF (0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745).









The practice is now closed for the Christmas holidays.

Our open hours are;

Monday 25th December – CLOSED

Tuesday 26th December – CLOSED

Wednesday 27th December – 9am – 1pm         2pm – 5pm

Thursday 28th December – 9am – 1pm         2pm – 5pm

Friday 29th December – 9am – 1pm         2pm – 5pm

Monday 1st January – CLOSED

Tuesday 2nd January – 9am – 1pm         2pm – 5.30pm

If you require urgent care outside these hours please contact 111.

New iTero technology changing the face of dentistry

iTero pic

Now there is no need to imagine how your teeth could look, with the iTero scanner and the Invisalign Outcome Simulator we can share the possibilities.

You can now view potential Invisalign treatment outcomes with the Invisalign Outcome Simulator at St Michaels Orthodontics. This chairside application is powered exclusively by iTero scanners to help you visualise how your teeth may look at the end of Invisalign treatment, with a simple scan of your teeth we can produce a simulated outcome to show you the benefits possible with Invisalign treatment.

iTero scanners also improve your experience by eliminating the mess and unpleasantness associated with traditional impressions. 


See your current tooth position side by side to your simulated final positions.





Intuitive touch-screen tools allow real-time adjustments to the simulated outcome allowing you to consult with your specialist about your needs.


View the possibilities with your specialist orthodontist.

Contact the practice  for more advice or to arrange your Outcome Simulation today on 01924 380680  or e-mail

Biting back in old age!


BRACES are for teenagers not for middle aged women who felt liberated in the 70s and rebelled against any show of vanity. But when I hit 50 and looked at myself in the mirror I realised just how crooked my teeth were.

It was probably prompted by the fact my son was nagging me to have his teeth straightened but every time I passed the mirror I took a second look and they seemed to get more crooked every day.

Matters weren’t helped by the fact I had been made redundant on my 50th birthday – great timing – and decided to start my own business in PR. Now Carmel Harrison PR doesn’t actually do the makeup and fashion PR but nevertheless you are always under scrutiny and need to look and feel good every minute of the day. While I could easily re apply makeup or change my clothes straightening and whitening my teeth would need a bit of help.

My saviour came in the form of a client Dr Catherine McCanny. For so long I had been grabbing column inches for her Dewsbury Road practice, now it was her turn to help me. When St Michael’s ran an Invisalign open evening I checked in to find out if they could help an old timer like myself.

I know the team anyway but moving from supplier to patient was transformational. Suddenly the professional way they handled nervous patients was turned on me. I haven’t commonly been frightened about the dentist but knew my teeth were sensitive and my understanding of what would happen was rudimentary.

Lead by Catherine the team was marvellous. They explained every single step of the treatment. How they would measure my teeth at the start of treatment and monitor the progress. They gave me an impression of the changes that would occur every two weeks and an idea of how my teeth would look.

Catherine was brutally honest. She had never treated teeth as crooked as mine without surgery so could make no guarantees. And to be honest I am not a great patient. When it was explained to me that I couldn’t drink hot tea or coffee with them in I wondered how I would get though one winter never mind two!

And having to wear them for 22 hours a day seemed like an eternity. In the end the treatment was pain free. Of course there was a bit of discomfort when I put a new set of braces in, but nothing like I imagined.

I missed a lot of PR perks. Canapés were never my favourite but it seemed too fiddly taking them out for half an hour at a major drinks event, no one noticed I was wearing them so I left them in and survived on champagne instead! I even had my photograph taken at a national awards event that has ended up on the front cover of the following year’s brochure.

Margaret Wood at the Manufacturer Top 100 (1)

That’s how invisible Invisalign is. Of course there were cynics, George my other half told me he loved me as I was, but even he was impressed by the difference Invisalign made. He couldn’t argue with the proof of the before and after photos.

A year on the thing I notice the most is that food doesn’t get stuck between my teeth, there’s nowhere for it to get stuck and my teeth are a gorgeous white. Of course there is a down side. Now I am not wearing my Invisalign braces I have no reason not to eat when going to swanky PR receptions so I’m not just drinking champagne!

By Carmel Harrison PR


A perfect smile for a beautiful bride!

If you still aren’t convinced that Invisalign is the right solution for you before your big day, read Katy’s blog and then decide! I think you’ll agree with us that she looks stunning!


I’ve never been particularly vain, but after a recent holiday I was appalled to notice how much my teeth had moved over the last year without me really being aware. One tooth in particular seemed to be twisting and heading towards the back of my head on some mystery exploration known only to him. And then my other half popped the question and my paranoia increased ten fold. A year before the wedding I finally approached my dentist for advice and I was referred to St Michael’s Orthodontics and I found myself having a consultation with the lovely staff there. Being 28, I wasn’t keen on having “tram tracks” which I still associate with teenagers, and being in a customer focused job, I didn’t want more attention bringing to my wandering teeth, so I went with Invisalign. I’ll admit I was a little apprehensive after hearing stories of other adults having braces and being in agony but the calm reassurance of the team at St Michael’s soon put me at ease.

At first, braces feel weird and do take some getting used to. You do need to be a little organised too with regards to carrying floss and mouthwash when eating away from home. The ability to take them out for a rest was a god send and meant that they weren’t too painful; just a little bit tight. As a bride, the braces were brilliant for the pre-wedding diet; you have to leave the braces in for 22 hours out of every 24, and whilst wearing them you can only consume water and if you can avoid binging in the two hours you’re not wearing them, slimming down is a doddle. Win!

Although you may be conscious of wearing braces, no one else can tell and I have some brutally honest friends who I tried this out on! People were shocked when I admitted to wearing braces; they really were that invisible. The other big benefit is that for my hen do, the lovely team took off my attachments (the little cement blobs put on your teeth to make the braces work) so that I was brace free. My teeth weren’t completely finished by my wedding (they were beautiful but not perfect and the St Michael’s team are perfectionists!) so the team left me without braces until after my honeymoon before doing some final adjustments. This flexibility meant I did not panic about having to wear braces on my big day.

I was amazed at how quickly my teeth straightened and how easy and pain free it was. My photographer kept making great comments about my smile and I have never felt more confident that my smile really was dazzling. I am so glad that I got braces, my photos looked amazing and it was such a simple procedure to go through. I have a number of friends now asking questions about Invisalign and considering it for themselves as they have been that impressed by my results. The St Michael’s Team have been amazing and supportive throughout, and their facilities are brilliant. They have provided reassurance and expert advise throughout and I always felt well looked after. If you’re in any doubt please book a consultation and get some advice; I can’t imagine anyone being disappointed by the results they’ll get!

KP1 Photos courtesy of David Webb Wedding Photographer

Invisalign or fixed braces?

So you’ve made the decision to improve your smile but which brace is right for you? 

Here we give you the pros and cons of both Invisalign braces and fixed braces.



  • BPA-free almost invisible aligners so you can still feel at ease in social situations
  • No wires or brackets to rub
  • Removable
  • No problems with any food getting caught
  • No foods off limits
  • No changes are needed to maintain good oral health as the aligners are removed
  • Virtual 3D treatment can estimate length of treatment more accurately
  • Less risk of enamel decalcification cause by poor oral hygiene and brackets


  • Can initially affect speech
  • The aligners can be lost which has a cost implication



  • Better at treating more complex tooth movements
  • Cannot be removed so less self discipline is required
  • More types of brace available to suit your needs
  • The final tooth position is more precise with fixed braces


  • The wires and brackets can rub and cause discomfort
  • Some hard, sticky foods are off limits
  • Some foods can cause discolouration
  • Cleaning the teeth and brace requires more time and specially designed brushes

The decision to improve your smile is not one to be taken lightly; the expert team at St Michaels Orthodontics can guide you through the process. Call and arrange your free assessment with our Treatment Coordinator on 01924380680 or contact Dawn on You can also visit for more information.

Whatever your decision you won’t regret it!